Sunday, March 19, 2006

Thruster Tabata Extreme 3/19/06

20 seconds on/ 10 second off 65-pound thrusters for 15 intervals

Scored as the least number of reps in any of the 15 intervals. Bar must stay racked for duration of each interval.

Could not do this as prescribed. Used 45# bar. Almost quit in round 4.

12, 11, 6, 7,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6

For the last 5 rounds I put the bar down for the remainder of the 20 seconds and picked up for the 10 second rest.

I had to stop between rounds 9 and 8 and acknowledge the power low alarm on my palm, which I was using for the timer.

Still fried from yesterdays flying squirrels and rope climbs.

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