Saturday, March 25, 2006

Helen - PR Big Dawg 35#

35# dumbbell
run 1 2:29
run 2 2:18
run 3 2:49
Swings unbroken
Pull ups (6, 6) (4,4,4) (5,3,4)

This is 2 + minute improvement. My last time was 17:26 with 35# and 17:29 with 25#.

I was going for 15 minutes. Missed it by 8 seconds. I wasted at least 8 seconds resting/gasping. DAMMIT.

Next time I'll have to shoot for unbroken pull ups. I was going for sets of 6. The runs killed me but I was determined not to burn up more than 9 minutes on them. The Kettlebell swings started off rocky, and Kim yelled across to me to get more of a squat. I used a dumbbell because the boys were all using the Kettlebells.

Pullups. I wanted to do more in a set. I need more practice at longer sets. I should be able to do these unbroken.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, checkout and - they are the word.