December 8, 2004...
"Run, Laura! Pretend a dog is chasing you!" - Jason
"Nice doggy!" - me.
A crossfit type warmup in Kickboxing class:
6 (or was it 7??) rounds of 30 seconds each
-medecine ball pushups (LRC)
-bench dips - with a wooden park bench!
-8lb db thrusters (after dips, this was torture)
-pool sprints - length unknown it took me about 4 laps to to burn off 30 seconds.-bag work - hit that bag hard and fast for 30 sec
The only rest was when I was bent over catching my breath. After four rounds I was ready for pukie. I took 20 seconds on round 5 to get from pool to bag (about 30 feet). Posted by: Laurar at December 8, 2004 10:34 AM
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